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Postby GroundFog » Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:44 pm

Hello, I'm GroundFog.
Computer Programmer Major (graduated in dec), and Crybersecurity minor. I like anime, BJD, and gaming. I miss good old avatar forums and i found this on a list and it was still open so I'm here to give it a shot. I have no motivation or friend base to make or upkeep my own site.

I like the quest system. It's really fun.
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:52 pm

Re: Hello!

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:16 pm

Welcome to our lovely little world of Windlyn where everyone is friendly and the items are all so cute! We just got new items in the shops for Chinese New Year. :cheer:

Visit the links in my signature to play my game threads for chances at extra feathers and also my charity to take an adventure to earn past items.

The fishing is every 8 hours, the questing every 12 hours. Questing asks for items from the fishing pond and/or shops but also sometimes asks for past items. If you don't have the item then just cancel the quest and try again later. You can visit both Sister's.

Game room is a fast way to make quick feathers. Beat my high score on the doughnut game and I will give you 500 feathers!

Buy items from the Lazarus shop first as they are only temporary and may never be back. Check out member run yard sale for past items.

Have you been successful in the job market? So many companies highering for software engineers and even cybersecurity! You chose a well paying and great field to go into!
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby Tandy » Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:48 pm

Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here.
I haven't done much questing yet, but I think I will try it again.
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby NerdyAliCat » Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:40 pm

Welcome to Windlyn!
What kinds of anime and games do you like?
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Local time: Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:52 am

Thanks Yorunaka! - Thanks Valentine Strange!

Re: Hello!

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:52 pm

Groundfog sounds like a type of strong coffee Seattle's best makes. Do you drink coffee?

I forgot to mention that when you hatch your first pet let me know and I will help you celebrate by giving you a n immortality potion. You can check out the images of the pets on my It's a Pet's Life thread.
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby galled » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:56 pm

Welcome to Windlyn!

Congrats on graduating? Any leads on jobs or will you be going for further education?

Cyber-security is an interesting field. I find adversarial tasks (especially against bots) pretty annoying, but all so rewarding with success!

I hope you enjoy your time here! :smile:
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

~Windlyn Daydream by Mouse

Windlyn is so fun,
Windlyn is so grand,
So come on everyone,
All across the land,
Come and join us now,
In this awesome site,
We will show you how,
Talking through the night.

Re: Hello!

Postby Watery Star » Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:30 pm

Welcome to Windlyn GroundFog!
Congrats on graduating!
We have a thread about BJD in the Crafts sub-forum. Although the hangout threads get the most traction, you are free to post in older threads to revive a discussion if you want.
I hope you enjoy our little community here^^ Your welcome to post in any of my threads.
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:52 pm

Re: Hello!

Postby GroundFog » Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:19 am

@Lemon Cheesecake
Thank you so much for that info! I really love the avi's here they are so adorable! I have! Surprisingly enough my first choice called me back and I got the offer Friday. I started on the 19th, which is nice because my last place of work just closed. We walked into work and the owner was like "yup, we're closing bye." I'm not sure i can say who it is, but it's a security firm who does cybersecurity for companies Coke, Mythbusters, Walmart, Mars....I'm so nervous.

Also i do love coffee. I probably drink to much, but that's what all programmers do lol.

Pleasure to meet you!!!

Not to date myself but some my favorite are Sailor Moon, DBZ, Fruits Basket ( I'm so stoked about the new one coming out!!!). I really am willing to give everything a watch. I'm not big into sports Anime, but Free! was good and Yuri on Ice inspired me kiddo to take up Figure Skating. He's so good at it too for only being 5.

My Favorite games are Horror and Survival, but my Favorite game of all time is the Yakuza Series. I'm very partial to Final Fantasy and 8 will always be my #1. Otherwise Resident Evil series, and Evil Within are my favorite horrors. I'm hoping to get the Outlast Trilogy soon. I've heard it's good.

I have had incredible luck actually. I got an offer Friday, which I mention up further in my reply. I'd eventually like to get a master in AI I think, or Web Development. I'm primarily Full Stack on Web Dev but AI seems super cool to learn about as well.

@Watery Star
Ohh Thank you for letting me know about the BJD threads! That's nice to know!

:heart: :heart: :heart:
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:52 pm

Re: Hello!

Postby galled » Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:32 pm

That's so awesome! Congrats on that too!! :cheer:

AI (it's called Machine Learning for those in the field--you can show your chops by using that! :smile: ) is a booming field, so there's no lack of jobs in that area. Web Development you can learn on your own so I'm not sure how valuable a masters would be in that area.

Hah, Yakuza is a hoot!
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby Gingerale » Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:42 pm

Glad to see you are settling in! Come by my newcomer's welcome thread for a welcome to Windlyn gift!

Our Valentine's event should be starting up this week so keep checking in. I hope we get the gift boxes to give out again, I love those!

It sounds like you are multi talented in the computer field and I bet you have been teaching your little one all about how to use a computer! There are programs for teaching kids to program, (I've checked out a few to see if I can learn them myself), that are fun and easy. I think schools should be teaching with those kinds of hands on programs where kids can see their progress by completing tasks.

Do you have a favorite color? Any pets? If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby GroundFog » Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:31 pm

I know that it's machine learning in some aspects. However, Machine learning, Deep learning, and Artificial intelligence are still three separate things in their own respect. While a Masters in Machine learning is coming popular now, a Masters in Machine Intelligence/Artificial Intelligence is still different. Machine Learning is more about acquisition of knowledge and accuracy, while AI is more about the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to apply it. On the note of Web Dev, I really don't appreciate people pushing it off because "you can learn it on your own." You can literally learn anything on your own if you have the drive and an internet connection these days. Web Dev goes beyond html/PHP and some fancy CSS these days there are a multitude of other application languages, and .Net libraries that have gotten involved. Not no mention the countless number of database systems outside of SQL. Business are turning to online store fronts every day and the number of .Net Devs in demand is incredible. Not to mention the increasing amount of AI implementations within Web Development as well these days.
Back to games I'm planning to make a display doll of young Majima. I'm saving up for his blank body now, but he's going to go in the Display case with my collection of merch.

They do have a programming at his school starting in first grade! It's a Lego Robotics Club. Those kids are sooooo intelligent! He's not really into programming though more video games, swimming, and figure skating. My favorite colour is Purple. I have 1 dog, 2 cats, a nerite, a lava snail and a few Betta. If I could go anywhere in the world? hmmm either Korea, or Italy. Italy because I would love to visit the town my wife's Grandfather is from. Korea because the wife and I learned Korean for fun because our favorite store downtown is owned by a Korean family so it would be good to put it to use and because spicy tteokbokki and kimchi. :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:52 pm

Re: Hello!

Postby Gingerale » Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:48 pm

Sounds like your son will be in a good learning environment then, so important to have the opportunities. One of the local middle schools here participates in the Lego robotics club, I wish they had that when we were kids! Then again, personal computers weren't on your phone when I was a kid!

You have quite a little menagerie - I'll have to look up what a nerite is - the betta fish you have to keep separated right or else they fight? We got Betta fish pet's on Windlyn to commemorate going beta.
Going to a place that has some family history connection is something I'd like to do.
I can't do spicy, I envy those of you who can!
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby galled » Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:45 pm

Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. :(

It's not that web dev isn't big, but I was referring to masters study. Depending on whether you go into a masters thesis program or not, you'll still do a lot of self/guided study. As you noted, there's tons of web dev info out there. Not so much machine learning by comparison. Then again, the machine learning stuff they'd tech you in school would more likely than not, be obsolete very quickly. It's a tough choice, but if I had to do it, I'd lean towards getting guidance in the thing that I couldn't do completely on my own--especially if I were paying for it!

I work with databases professionally so they're like word processors to me (they all do the same thing, slightly different in execution, but they all more alike than not). I've been a web dev too, but I just install, upgrade and maintain stuff mostly these days. PHP, .net, et al, the flavors of the week all change very quickly. Nothing stays constant.

I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose! :)
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby NerdyAliCat » Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:30 pm

I'm super excited for the Fruits Basket reboot too!
I've never seen Yuri on Ice but i know that the character was based off a real ice skater. That sounds really cute!
And I absolutely love Resident Evil, despite being horrible with horror games I still love the franchise.
I've heard good things about Outlast but I prefer less scary games...
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Local time: Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:52 am

Re: Hello!

Postby GroundFog » Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:17 am

I wasn't so much offended as people don't take web development, or certain languages seriously. The biggest issue of bullying amongst developers, at least in my circles, is that certain languages aren't considered "programming" and gender. The biggest thing people try to use as defense is that 'you can learn html on your own'. It's not just html any more and if you youtube Machine learning lectures, or Machine learning tutorials you get just as many as advance web dev videos now. It's part of this ego feeding that certain developers are better than other just because they know a certain language and it makes me angry because I see people get put down about it almost every day.

I know! Even when I graduated high school cell phones were still flip phones lol!

Yes beta fish males should be kept separately although in large tanks (50+) I've seen them coexists with out incident and in 20/30gal have had them live peacfully with a batch of non-aggressive community fish. Same for female also. A lot of people say you can only have one in a tank but I've had a really good sisterhood in a 30long before without issues, heavy plants and hidy spots I think are very Key. When in doubt though separate because i have had some very vicious females before. Her name was Yennifer (yes from Witcher) and she was a Black Dragon Plakat Female. Good gravy she was constantly trying to kill everything. we swapped her out for her sister Snappy Snips after a few days, oddly enough Snappy was very good with the group . I had a Witcher themed tank with Yen, Triss (red dragon plakat), Kiera (yellow 'koi' crowntail), Ciri (platinum plakat), and Roach the Black Devil Lava snail.

Nerites are a fresh water snail, sorta fresh water. The can live in freshwater but can't breed in freshwater. They need brackish water for their eggs to actually hatch although in fresh water they love to lay them everywhere anyway.

Yes Yuri was inspired by a real ice skater and that's why my kiddo wanted to learn ice skating (when he was 4 he was constantly telling us he wanted to go to russia to skate. Because some of the characters are Russian and a portion of the series takes place there. His Personal Trainer, if he wants to go that rout is a Russian immigrant and I think my kiddo is going to loose his mind when he finds out. lol!
What are your favorite games?

Also sorry for not responding sooner. I've been doing some seriously heavy on-boarding for my new job, and visiting family.
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Local time: Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:52 pm


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