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Feather Guide- How to Earn Feathers

Feather Guide- How to Earn Feathers

Postby Liora » Thu May 03, 2018 6:41 pm

How to Earn Feathers :feather:
Need Feathers? Here are a few of the popular ways Winners acquire Feathers:

    :L_Wing: Play games in the Game Room to quickly earn feathers! If you're pressed for time or just not up to being sociable yet (everyone is super-friendly, so why not give it a shot?), this is a surefire Feather-getter!
    :L_Wing: Participate in Events. Events are held on a regular basis and run for a limited time. Some Events may award Feathers directly. All of Windlyn's Events give you the opportunity to earn a variety of new, themed, and often rare items. While these items are not Feathers, they can be sold or traded for them! Most events do not require posting, so this is another lurker-friendly way to earn Feathers!

      :heart: Tip: Sometimes, The Lazarus will stock up on special Event items while the Event is going on. Purchase those first before they're gone!
    :L_Wing: Post in the Forums. Interacting with other Winners is the proverbial "two birds with one stone" way to get Feathers (that's a terrible pun!). For every post you make you'll earn some Feathers. As a bonus, posting is a great way to meet other Winners. Everyone on Windlyn is really friendly, so feel free to drop in to any thread!

      :heart: Tip: Some forums return more Feathers than others, but the Bug Report, Site Feedback, and the Help/Support forums do not earn any at all.
    :L_Wing: Sell extra or unwanted items to Once Upawn a Time.

      :heart: Tip: You might be better off trading or selling your unwanted items to another Winner. You can usually get an item you want/need or better price than you would at the Once Upawn a Time shop.
    :L_Wing: Go Fishing every few hours and you can catch items (and some super-rare ones if you're lucky!). Again, while those are not Feathers, you *could* sell them for Feathers at Once Upawn a Time or trade with another Winner for Feathers or item(s).
    :L_Wing: Open up a Personal Shop and get paid in Feathers, items or trade your talents! (It can be art, graphics, photographs, writing, etc..) Some Winners will pay in items if you request it. This is also a great way to get specific items off your wishlist. You run your shop, so you can run it as you like!

      :heart: Tip: Be sure to check the Personal Shops Guidelines!
    :L_Wing: Host a Yard Sale. Put your spare items up for sale for Feathers or trade them for other items. While some common and recent event items may not be in high demand right now, as time goes on, they become rarer and rarer. It's truly can become a case of "one Winner's common item is another's gold." You never know!
    :L_Wing: Post in the Play Room Forum. These fun threads are run by Winners and you earn Feathers just by participating. This is a easy way to post and remain a semi-lurker as you're just taking your turn in a game.
    :L_Wing: Take a trip to the Casino threads. These are threads also run by Winners generously offering some kind of prize such as Feathers, Wings, items, and more! So you earn feathers for posting, and you can get a chance to win a prize. How awesome is that!
    :L_Wing: Trade with another Winner. Your extra or unwanted items may be just the thing to help out another Winner complete the wishlist, or for you to get that item you've been wanting!

      :heart: Tip: Trades can be made for an item or items, or even for Feathers and Wings.

These are just a few ways to enhance your time on Windlyn. Remember the most important thing is to have fun!

If you have any questions, visit the Help/Support forum. Winners are always willing to help because that's just the Windlyn Way! :smile:

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