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Take care of pet once daily?

Take care of pet once daily?

Postby Nek0Nerd0 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:51 am

It seems that I've been logging on everyday, but really only once per day (usually at reset an hour ago).

With this in mind, am I able to take care of my pet at just once per day visit? Or is that not possible because pet care requires multiple logins per day? Thanks.
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Re: Take care of pet once daily?

Postby galled » Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:49 pm

I can't say absolutely, but it seemed to me like it depends on the pet type, the individual pet, and which stage of growth they're at. It also seemed like the more attention my pets would get, the more self sufficient (less dependent) they became. Once a day seemed like the a good minimum average generally. Am I missing what you're asking?
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Re: Take care of pet once daily?

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:57 pm

You can play, feed, clean your pets until the bar is solid. There is about a 30 second wait between "playing" with the pet and you can press play again.

If you want to put the pet in the day care ( there is a charge), I think you can choose how many days you want to pay for.

I looked at your pets, the blue eggs you will keep pressing incubate until it hatches. Once a day, onc e a week won't matter until it actually hatches.

Ashton sells diamond items so once it hatches you can purchase an immortality potion for the pet so that the pet won't die.

For the pets that have died you can use a revival scroll and then an immortality potion on them to keep them alive without having to log in every day.

If it hatches and you do not use an immortality potion then you will need to keep logging in consistently and interacting with your pet.
Is that what you were asking?

Celencio Cerbera also does pet day care if you can't log in everyday to hatch or level up your pet.
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Re: Take care of pet once daily?

Postby Nek0Nerd0 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:22 am

On point, the 30 second wait is informative, but it's still too long for me to sit down for haha.

Thanks, I'll take that as a no since I'm just a log in once and press button once sorta user here.
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Re: Take care of pet once daily?

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:44 pm

Not exactly, you can click on the incubate or play and then leave the sight and that counts for that day.

But once you hatch a pet, if your do not give them an immortality potion, you should try to feed them once a day. After a few days the pet dies.
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Re: Take care of pet once daily?

Postby Cilencio Cerbera » Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:01 pm

Late reply but yup, 24 hours once of feeding (until maximum bar) should be enough for pets (that are not immortalized) to last till the next day. Though, I'd still suggest to get the pets immortalized for fear that we may missed a day or two. If not mistaken, it'll usually take less than a week for them to perish under hunger lol.
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