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A Guide to Guilds

A Guide to Guilds

Postby Diana » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:02 pm

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[H2] Make a Guild

Postby Diana » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:39 pm

How to make a Guild:

First and foremost, guilds are located under the community tab:

After clicking that, you'll be directed here:
Where all the guilds are listed. There are many categories and guilds to explore, but for this tutorial we will concentrate on making our own guilds. So click the text highlighted in the above picture to get started.

You'll be taken to the sceen below:
Fill out all relevant information. Pick your category, name your guild, add a short description, and a full description where prompted.
For more about what each join method (marked with arrow) is, click here.
Most likely, you'll check the auto-create box(red Circle), but if you don't, you can manually make your forums, so its no big deal.

After clicking submit you'll get the return notification that looks like this:
If you did not get it, your guild may not have been made, so wait paitently, see if it shows up in the "my guilds" tab of the tab menu (either at the bottom of the homepage or the community page) then try again if it didnt work and is not showing up.
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[H2] Making More Guild Boards

Postby Diana » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:39 pm

How to make a new board in a guild:

A guild allows you to have a forum just for you and your friends (or fellow users with similar tastes.) You are allowed a maximum of two forum categories to make. These are called "Boards" when in guilds.
They look like the below: Image
As you can see, members will be able to make threads that work the same as threads in the forums. In each thread you can post replies and chat or whatnot.

Clicking the " Create A Message Board" link (purple circle) will take you to the create-a-board page (its also the same page for editing details of a board.)
Fill out the information, hit submit, and you're good to go!
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[H2] dealing with members

Postby Diana » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:40 pm

How to accept/remove members:

Depending on the method you set your guild to, your members may be required to provide a password, or get permission from you before becoming a member of your guild. You'll decide what that option is when you create your guild, or if you go back to edit your guild.

If the join option is set to Public, users will be allowed to join without getting your permission or authorization.

If the join option is set to pending, you need to authorize a user's admission to your guild.
When the user tries to join your guild, they will be brought to the screen below:
and be asked to provide a reason for joining the guild. You, as the guild leader, will be sent a PM of the user submitting their request. To deal with that request, go to your guild's page and navigate to the marked area below: Image
Click the little icon that looks like two people.
If you have multiple requests, they'll show up in the screen above, but for this tutorial I'll just use myself as an example. You can see I want to join because, well, I'm the admin and I can. But being the guild leader, you can choose to accept or deny someone from that menu.

If the join method is set to Password, users must put in a password in order to join.
If you select Password as the join option, you MUST set the password there and then.
But after that, there's no need for your authorization or authentication. Just send the password to your friends and you're good to go.

For the user, after they hit "Join Guild," they will be re-directed to a page similar to the following:
After inputting their password, if they typed it in right, they'll have joined the guild and be redirected to the Guild's main page.

Regardless of what method you decided to set your guild joining to, if you feel the need to remove someone (ie: They were spamming, being inappropriate, not following your rules (or Windlyn's rules! Please report them if they're not!), or trolling, and etc) you have the power to remove them from your guild.
You'll see at the bottom of the logos in your memberlist, a small red X in a circle.
Click that and follow through on the directions given and you'll have removed them from your guild!
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[H2] Making Changes

Postby Diana » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:41 pm

How to edit the guild:

Editing your Guild
After clicking the edit button, you'll be taken to the below screen:

Here you can make changes to your guild.
Including, but not limited to changing the avatar, category, notification email, founder, and join option.

      Changing founder:
      To bestow the guild admin/founder power to another person, that person must first be a member of the guild.

Make your changes, then hit submit.
For editing boards you hit the edit button next to the board name, there you can change the name and description.
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