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Reaper's Graveyard

Moderator: Ryvvi

Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby galled » Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:40 pm

Sorry life's been throwing you curves.

Well, glad you didn't give up on Windlyn and are back checking in. IMHO, all sites are people driven unless they're pure advertising, and just like any group of people whether companies or volunteer groups are molded (probably not the right word) driven from the top down. That's a huge reason why I'm grateful for what Diana has created here and continues to drive and maintain.

I've been seeing news stories about teacher strikes. I didn't know there were others outside of Kentucky. I respect teachers and the jobs they do greatly, but I'm starting to think that they should have some rules in place like Air Traffic Controllers where they're not allowed to strike because their jobs are so important. They're able to force negotiations even though they cannot strike. Somehow I think there might be some opportunities to learn from what they've got in place.

I hope things sort out quickly and you can get back to your regularly scheduled programs! :)

Thanks for letting us know how you're doing.
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Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby ShadowGrimReaper87 » Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:47 pm

Well my oldest is only in TK, it's a thing that's between Pre-K and K, He was not able to go to pre K so they have this class for him and others to help them out. And it has worked wonders!! Plus he gets to move on to kindergarden with his class mates and also his cousin who is in pre K will be in K as well, so he has her to play with and I am happy. ^_^
But I had been working with him at home, he was even good on his first day back and for that I bought Batman ice they had at wal mart. ^_^

Yes I saw that and thank you all! *hugs everyone* It's like SO nice to be on a place where people are nice and really it means a lot to me. I mean people were attacking me who hardly even knew me on some places. I am mostly a lurker and don't post much but SOME HOW they felt the need to label me a bad person bc they SOO knew me SOO well. -_-

But yeah I could never forget this place. ^_^ I am going to try and be more active on here. I also rp like mad on a forum site, got two really good Legend of Zelda role plays going and one.....er well lets just say that is one me and another friend have going just for shits and giggles. Be both need something to destress and that helps us both.
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Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby ShadowGrimReaper87 » Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:54 pm

galled wrote:Sorry life's been throwing you curves.

Well, glad you didn't give up on Windlyn and are back checking in. IMHO, all sites are people driven unless they're pure advertising, and just like any group of people whether companies or volunteer groups are molded (probably not the right word) driven from the top down. That's a huge reason why I'm grateful for what Diana has created here and continues to drive and maintain.

I've been seeing news stories about teacher strikes. I didn't know there were others outside of Kentucky. I respect teachers and the jobs they do greatly, but I'm starting to think that they should have some rules in place like Air Traffic Controllers where they're not allowed to strike because their jobs are so important. They're able to force negotiations even though they cannot strike. Somehow I think there might be some opportunities to learn from what they've got in place.

I hope things sort out quickly and you can get back to your regularly scheduled programs! :)

Thanks for letting us know how you're doing.

Thank you. And yes I agree with that, there are some people that are just needed bc of how important their jobs are. I also understand the other side as well. This was what I was talk about with the friend I had a falling out over. I was chatting on discord and hit enter too soon before I was done typing, well he was once a teacher and got upset and said something really nasty to me and really hurt me.
He just added on more and more and then when I told him that hurt as I was not done, he was like 'oh I was/am in a bad mood' like that forgives for the very nasty things he said to me and before he had told me I was on of his closest friends? Yeah I dropped him and have not spoken to him since. I mean if he treats his 'good friends' that way I hate to see how he treats people like loved ones. :/

But yeah that had me upset and like I said I didn't tell my husband about it and risk him getting upset. But I had two very good friends talk with me and made me feel better. ^_^
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Local time: Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:16 pm

Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby Gingerale » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:07 pm

welcome back! I'd say drop the sites that are stressing you out and keep with the ones you can relax on. Life's got enough headaches and heart aches to waste your time and emotions on things of no value. It does hurt when people disappoint us, especially when it seems to come unexpectedly or for something trivial and they aren't ready to forgive or understand. Words have more weight they we give credit for and sometimes why we have to be careful of what we say. I tend to "blurb" things before thinking through so I am glad I have understanding friends! But now you know you have some people who are actual friends and one who now will be classified as an acquaintance instead of a friend status.

Boys can take longer to adjust to school and sometimes have to ease in to it, seems like you are an intuitive Mom and picked up on that with your son and he should benefit from your insight and help later on. Life will get busier for awhile with elementary school but that passes all too quickly. Enjoy it while you can, cherish the projects they bring home, volunteer if you can!
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Local time: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:16 pm

Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby ShadowGrimReaper87 » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:20 pm

Thanks. ^_^
And yeah it's just , you think you know someone then that happens. Ya know. :/
But yeah I will never talk to him again because of that.
And I have dropped the one site, I just made another account so I could keep my many years of collected items. Plus with one site down that is the only place I can still chat with one friend.

Yeah but I am very glad he took to this TK thing, he struggled at first but now he is vary good and quite smart and I am so happy. ^_^ He is going to love kendergarden!(ugh yeah I can't spell lol)
And I have been hanging up some of his stuff and have kept every paper he has done from day one ^_^
I would volunteer but I also have a three year old at home and no one to watch him, hubby works nights and sleeps during the day.
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Local time: Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:16 pm

Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:27 pm

volunteer when they are both in elementary school...the little one at home needs attention too.

That must be difficult for you all though to have the hubby work nights. Especially to get some time to spend together. But you got to do what you can and give him kuddo's for supporting the family so that you can be a stay at home Mom, that is such a rarity it seems these days to be able to have a parent stay home.
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Local time: Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:16 pm

Re: Reaper's Graveyard

Postby npixelz » Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:49 pm

Sorry to hear about all of that! It's hard when you're attacked or hurt by people you thought were your friends, or people you don't know well, or just people in general. As a child I was bullied a lot. It got so bad I started to just shut myself away from everyone. I became antisocial. I used to walk up to random kids on the playground and ask them if they wanted to be friends, but after being bullied so much... For a while, I didn't want ANY friends. So I know how it feels to be mistreated, and to give up on things because of it. But now I have great friends, and I've grown so much as a person because of the help I've gotten throughout my life. So I know that you can come through this, too! You are an amazing person, and if others can't see that, it's their loss. So don't let anyone talk down to you, ok? And just think, every cloud has a silver lining, (so don't fly through the clouds otherwise you'll crash. XD). It can only get better from here on out.
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